Orders & Payment
After the orders have been placed, we will process the orders within the next 1-2 days (inclusive of weekends & PHs).
Once your orders have been received and processed, we will contact you via phone call or Whatsapp to notify you and schedule for delivery.
If you wish to customize your orders, feel free to contact us directly or visit us at our physical store during the opening hours.
We accept both ONLINE & OFFLINE payment methods.
For ONLINE payments: We accept both Credit Card & Paynow!
All payments via Credit Cards are processed through our secure Stripe server. Once payment is successful, you will receive a notification via your email.
For Paynow! payment:
During checkout, select 'Manual Payment' and submit your order.
After submitting your order, scan our Paynow! QRcode below on your payment apps OR select Paynow via your designated Banking Apps and transfer to our UEN account @ 38878100M (SIN LIAN HUAT JOSSPAPER)
Under comments, indicate your order number (e.g.#1xxxx).
For OFFLINE payments method: We accept Cash on delivery.
For Cash payment:
1. During checkout, select 'Manual Payment' and submit your order.
2. Payment can be made when your items are delivered to your doorsteps!